Top 5 Weight Loss Myths Debunked: Don’t Let These Fool You!

Tooba Shan
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Did you know that the most typical beliefs that circulate surrounding weight loss are mere misconceptions? We bet, you’d be surprised to find out how more than half of them have nothing to do with reality. If you’re here, chances are that you’re on the bandwagon like millions of other Americans with one goal topping the list: to shed those extra pounds!

Hence, if you’re struggling to take the weight off your body despite giving your 110%, then you’re probably not doing it the “right” way. Let’s get on track today!

1. You Can Over-consume Healthy Food

Nope. Tracking your calories when eating healthy food is just as important as it is when consuming junk. You might have shifted to what they call an “Optimal Dietary Intake,” but those pounds just don’t seem to go away.

The simple answer to this is: you’re overconsuming your healthy food. According to Dr. Guth, the real challenge in the weight loss journey is to limit the number of calories you consume. Sure, your food is healthy, but don’t forget — it still contains calories.

2. Fad Diets are the Quick Fix

We all have heard that the Fad diet works wonders when it comes to weight loss. But what’s truly alarming is there’s no scientific evidence to support the claim. The truth is, while a fad diet may shed off those unnecessary kilos — it does so only for the time being.

As soon as you let your fad diet go, the weight comes back on. If you really wish to go for a solution that persists, a lifestyle change is the answer.

3. Juices Help Lose Weight Fast

For the most part, no. The truth is, you can’t rely on juice cleansing to lose weight. If you’ve heard the consumption of juices does magic, don’t let the claim fool you. Sure, if you’re fond of juicing, go for it.

However, doing this to lose weight makes no sense. In fact, most of the juices are high in calories. So it’s best to be moderate with your consumption.

4. Just begin, and You’ll Keep Losing Weight

No, weight loss won’t continue indefinitely once you begin. According to a study by Nicole M. Glenn, losing weight comes with striving, wanting, and waiting. There may be times when you’re not losing weight at all — but that’s fine, right?

Make sure you don’t limit yourself to a measure on the scale. Keep going, consistency is the key!

5. Diet Doesn’t Matter When You’re Exercising

Some people think that exercise alone will counterbalance their unhealthy eating habits. But here’s the kicker — all the calorie burn goes in vain if you don’t stop giving yourself those excess calories.

It’s a sneaky trap that sabotages all your weight loss efforts. So if you’re relying solely on exercise, stop already!

The Bottom Line

The next time you think of diving into the sea of weight loss advice, don’t forget to make sure they hold true beforehand. After all, you don’t want to give up a healthy life just to end up exactly where you started.

