4 Disruptive Ways AI is Redefining the Job Market

Tooba Shan
3 min readOct 1, 2023


Gone are the days when teams of workers had to pull their hair to finish off complex tasks on the factory floors. Today, no matter how intimidating a job is, it all gets done in a flash with a mind-boggling innovation that stands above the rest: Artificial Intelligence.

However, let’s not forget this is the first time in history that most of us have started questioning our worth in the marketplace. Yep, generative AI has taken a giant leap forward by tackling the very heart of our labor force — our jobs. It’s only natural for the burning question to pop up in our minds: could the advent of AI take over your well-sought-after jobs?

Let’s find out!

1. AI is Replacing Telemarketers

First things first, there’s little room for doubt in the fact that AI is the future of the job market. But if there’s one job that has sky-high chances of getting automated, that’s telemarketing. With a 100% imminent risk level, the opportunity looks pretty ripe to be automated already.

Imagine receiving a call from an AI assistant that not only knows your name but also remembers your previous interactions. It’s no less than having a friend on the other end of the line, ready to assist you 24/7.

2. AI Models is a Threat to Programmers

In today’s world of ever-evolving technology, yet another intriguing possibility arises: AI might snatch the roles of programmers in the next few years. While it may widen the skill gap and result in the traditional programming market falling off, it could be the rise of an era of productivity too.

Yep, AI programming systems use specialized languages, and other knowledge-based tools to help ease the programming tasks. Let’s not forget that, sure, AI excels at automating routine tasks and pattern recognition, but it lacks the skills of a human.

3. AI-driven Tools Put System Admin Jobs at Risk

There’s just too much of a possibility that system admins who simply rely on manual, hands-on tasks might face replacement by generative artificial intelligence systems. Think about it — from software installations and basic scripting in Python or Windows PowerShell to other procedural tasks, generative AI takes care of it all.

But hey, this doesn’t imply that the role of systems administrators will disappear entirely. To put it the other way, AI-driven tools might accomplish a workload equivalent to that of 10 to 20 individuals.

4. AI Might Take Over Market Research Analysts

Market research analysts hold a vital role in shaping messaging, content, and products. But now, AI and surveys make it easier than ever to put all this information together in place. A prime example of this is the new tool we all love, ChatGPT, which helps unlock the doors to efficient research, deeper customer understanding, and streamlined operations.

Let’s be real; it looks like the power of AI is all set to conquer the job market of research analysts, right?

Final Verdict

All in all, AI is both incredible and disruptive. It’s on you how you leverage it’s power to help your job scale up. In the meanwhile, make sure you’re going for secure jobs, because ending up being replaced by mere technology is the last thing you want!

